Monday, June 29, 2009

Working our children through summer

Today I started a new summer tradition for our family. Before leaving for work I give each girl a short list of outside chores to be done during the day. (Janine is pretty much in charge of what happens inside the house.)

About two out of three Saturdays I'll take the girls out into our yard and we'll work together. We'll pull weeds, trim trees, mow the lawns, garden, rake and so on.

I am happy to work with my daughters for several reasons: It builds our relationships. They develop a strong work ethic. And I don't have to do all the yard work!

I have a goal to do several family outings this summer. I want to go to the zoo, the beach, and do a little camping. But if we continue spending Saturday mornings working on the yard, we won't have time for family events.

This morning, just before work, I took the girls out into the front yard. I have them each about a fifteen minute assignment. I explained the chores verbally, and wrote them down on paper. This evening when I get home I'll have the girls show me what they did. If the three girls will do a little bit each day, it will add up to big amount by the end of the week.

For me homeschooling is largely about shaping and improving the character of our children. Academics is important as it provides them with knowledge and tools to live their lives. Things like sports and music help round out their education. A strong work ethic can help them to succeed with difficult and challenging tasks.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education


Ruralmama said...

I agree with you Henry. My main focus for homeschooling mirrors yours.

We too share the indoor and outdoor chores with our kids. I know some kids out there that can't run a clothes washer, or don't know which plant is a weed and it's really weird. I grew up knowing how run the house and I wasn't homeschooled. How things change, eh?

Grizzly Mama said...

It's funny how they actually get excited about these chores. They are a big help to me and my husband and, as RuralMama points out, they are gaining skills that they will need.

Looking back - I didn't get a lot of experience with many chores around the house and yard. As a consequence of that, I had to learn things as an adult that most people already knew as kids!