Thursday, May 28, 2009

Anyone read "Problem Solving 101?"

This review of Problem Solving 101 makes the books sound worthwhile. Has anyone read it?

Here's the first couple paragraphs of the review:

This slim book by Ken Watanabe, (111 pages, made even slimmer for reading by the use of numerous "useful diagrams and quirky drawings"), is subtitled A Simple Book for Smart People, all of which may give you cause to read it. The author says on the first page that "One of my missions in writing this book was to show everyone a simple way to deal with the problems they face in their everyday lives." More specifically, he says "This is a book about kids solving problems."
But problem solving "isn't just an ability; it's a whole mind set...Rather than accepting the status quo, true problem solvers are constantly trying to proactively shape their environment." While he maintains most, or at least more, people can do this, children as well as adults, that doesn't mean they (you?) will.


Technorati tags: Problem, Solving

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