Monday, April 06, 2009

The "Wise" homeschooling conference next month

About six or seven years ago Janine and I went to a homeschooling conference which featured Susan Wise Bauer. Susan spoke for the better part of two days. It was interesting, entertaining, and best of all it was educational.

We highly recommend The Well Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer, and her mother Jessie Wise. The first edition of the book promoted a lot of scheduling. The later editions were more relaxed. Susan explained that the publisher had thought that homeschoolers needed to model after public schools, and so they put in scheduled. The reality is that Susan is pretty relaxed with her own homeschooling, as documented in her typical 1998 day, 1999 day, 2000 day and 2004 day. (These are also entertaining and educational.)

I've just learned that Susan, her mother Jessie, and Susan's brother Jim will be speaking about homeschooling May 1st and 2nd. The conference will be hosted in Williamsburg, VA.

Here is the entry web page for the conference. Here is the schedule of workshops. The price of the conference is very reasonable, it is only $39.95, per couple.

I think this conference will be worth attending. If you can get to Williamsburg, VA for May 1st and 2nd, consider attending. Janine and I are seriously thinking about going.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education,


ChristineMM said...

I was seriously considering going but decided my schedule was already too busy.

If you go I hope you have a great time.

I have some of SWB and JW's lectures on cassette (same topics) and they have helped me a lot. It would be great to hear them in person...

Henry Cate said...

We really tried to work it out that we could go to this conference, but in the end it was just too big a deal. We'd need to leave our children with my parents for four, maybe five days. The girls would be fine, but Baby Bop isn't ready for the much time away from mom.