Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Internet addiction is for everyone

Blogging can be a bottomless pit. There is always one more thing you could post. I try to limit myself to an hour or so in the morning. Then maybe another hour, either during lunch at work, or in the evening after the children have gone to bed.

I was a bit surprised to read that internet addiction is a problem among some young mothers. Why moms are at risk for Internet addiction starts with:

I was scrolling through family photos on my computer, admiring my two beautiful babies, when I spotted a disturbing trend: My laptop was open in almost all of the pictures. There's my daughter, at 8 months, playing at my feet while I typed away on the couch. There's me and my son, a year later, with the laptop at my side as I held him in my arms.
I'd heard about Internet addiction before, but always assumed it was something limited to socially challenged guys who played too much World of Warcraft. Now it seemed my Internet "habit" was slowly but surely crossing the line. Sometimes I found myself up into the wee hours of the morning, surfing the Web while my family slept. I read the news, kept up with friends, and looked up answers to endless questions. I wrote my personal blog and read dozens of others, just for something to do.


It use to be that television would soak up all the extra hours. Now the internet is much more enticing and effective in distracting us.

My suggestion is if you think you are spending too much time on the internet to cut back on all the blogs you read, except ours! :-)

(Hat tip: Digg)

Technorati tags: internet, addiction

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