Thursday, March 19, 2009

A key reason for success

Joanne Jacobs writes about the "immigrant paradox."

The first generation comes to America and struggles, but their children do better and the third generation does even better. That’s how it’s supposed to work. But scholars are trying to understand the “immigrant paradox,” reports Education Week. The Americanized children of immigrants often do worse in school than the foreign-born generation, despite fewer English problems. American-born children have more health problems and are more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs and act violently.

I love Joanne's conclusion:

Foreign-born students, some of them here illegally, finished college in four years at a higher rate than American-born students. Those who got no state or federal aid worked harder to get through quickly. The “immigrant paradox” is the result of immigrant hustle.

The cool thing is hustle is something anyone can develop. To be successful, and stay successful, requires hustle. This is something you can teach your children. My guess is homeschooled children have more hustle than the average student in public schools.

Most government schools encourage, or demand, children to be passive. It is easier for a teacher to have students which march to her drum.

Technorati tags: government schools, children, public school, public education, homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, education

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