Monday, March 09, 2009

Good post about preparing homeschool children for college

I like Jena's post about Homeschooling and College Scholarships. I thought her second paragraph was interesting:

"All in all, I found that being a home schooler applying to college can be an advantage. We don't fit the mold, so we have to explain more and that makes the child more real to the admissions officer. They are forced to look closely at this student as a human being, not just as a class rank, GPA, or test score. As a matter of fact, on Peter's transcript, his grades were all "Pass." He believed that letter grades were not applicable to him. Well, OK. So I explained our Pass/Fail philosophy and he still got the scholarship."

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education

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