Saturday, March 07, 2009

Anyone used the Junior's Clubhouse by Dave Ramsey?

A good friend sent me an email with a link to Dave Ramsey's materials for children

My friend wrote:

"I whole heartedly agree with Lonnie Scruggs when he points out that schools miss out on teaching one of the most important life skills, how to manage money."

I agree that an economic education is one of the most important things children can learn. I worry about the kinds of principles government run schools might try to teach.

My friend took one of Dave Ramsey's courses and was impressed.

Has anyone checked out Dave Ramsey's materials for children? They look good.


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Sebastian said...

We read several of them. One of them used to be available on Dave Ramsey's website as a pdf. I balked at buying them though and got them from the library instead (although I think Dave would be secretly pleased).

Anonymous said...

We have all 6 of the "Junior" books, and also the Financial Peace Jr. kit. Bought them at a live event for dirt cheap (all DR materials are discounted at live events). The books are a bit long for our 3 year old, but he enjoys them (can read them himself). He's on commission right now, has to do 4 chores a week, and get's paid $5 for completing a decent week of chores. He puts $2 in Saving envelope...$2 in spending envelope, and $1 in giving envelope. Works well for us, he loves getting his chores checked off every day, and then at the end of the week we do a big "pay off" thing where I count off the money in his hands (1...2...3..4..5 dollars!) then we split it up into envelopes. I highly recommend the kit and the books!

Henry Cate said...

Christopher, thank you for the positive feedback about the books. And Sebastian, thanks for the reminder to start with the library!