Saturday, March 21, 2009

Another active homeschooling carnival!

Sally of Diamonds in the Rough pointed me to another homeschooling carnival!

Dana of school for us is hosting this week's Hands On Homeschool Blog Carnival.

While you are waiting for the next edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling, you can check out a few other homeschooling carnivals:

This week's edition of the Canadian Home Educators Blog Carnival is up.

Here is the latest Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival.

I've learned that the "8 Ways to a More Organized Homeschool Carnival" will only be for eight weeks. Here is week 2 and week 3.

The Homeschool Showcase is bi-weekly, so there were no editions this week.

Again, if you know of any other active homeschooling carnivals, please tell me.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education


motherbynature said...

Isn't there a carnival somewhere for homeschooled KIDS' blogs? I'm sure I saw it some time ago but now I can't find it. My son has a blog now so we'd like to see what other bloggers his age are up to!

Henry Cate said...

I have a vague memory of a one time thing, but I can't remember where it was.

It seems like a good idea. Maybe someone will pick it up and run with it.