Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Progress in dealing with diabetes

Janine became diabetic at age twelve. She has been blessed. She has not had any complications. Yet we still worry about one of our daughters developing diabetes.

I'm excited to read about New clues to pancreatic cells' destruction in diabetes:

Researchers have found what appears to be a major culprit behind the loss of insulin-producing β cells from the pancreases of people with diabetes, a critical event in the progression of the disease.
The discovery could lead to new therapies for preventing the death of β cells or restoring those that have already been lost, Kathrin Maedler and colleagues report in the February 4th issue of Cell Metabolism, a Cell Press publication. The inflammatory factor they uncovered, which they call CXCL10, might also offer a warning sign of early or impending disease, they said.

With an increased understanding of the cause(s) for diabetes, maybe our daughters will never become diabetic. That would be wonderful.

Technorati tags: diabetes, diabetic


Consent of the Governed said...

You have won an award!

Bob Durtschi said...

Does this study also address insulin resistance? one of the precursors to type II diabetes.