Friday, January 02, 2009

Another book to check out - Men to Boys

One of my goals this year is to read more books. I've slacked the last six months. Ironically, in terms of "Men to Boys," I've read fewer books because I've been playing Master of Orion II.

I happened across this review of Men to Boys: The Making of Modern Immaturity. The basic premise is that many boys are not maturing into men. The author compares men from the 1940s, the 1970s, and now. A review of the book had this line from the book:

"... modern toys have gradually lost their 'expiration dates,' the markers that designate the time that children are expected to abandon them after reaching a new developmental stage. ... their manufacturers design them to blur, even deny this historically essential transition from boyhood to manhood."

The problem is many men do not put away childish things.

I've added my name on the list of people at our local library who want to read it. It looks to be an interesting book.

Technorati tags: games, childhood, adulthood

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