Friday, September 19, 2008

Another homeschooler doing well - Christopher Paolini's book due out

My oldest two daughters love the books by Christopher Paolini. His third book in the Inheritance Series, Brisingr, is due out. Maybe I'll encourage them to each buy their own copy so they don't have to wait. :-)

HomeSchoolBuzz referenced this article on the book:

The creativity of children, which is often seen in their drawings and stories, can be as­tounding, and some of them find their talent translates to a larger stage early on in their lives.
That's how it all happened for young author Christopher Paolini, who wrote the best-sell­ing books, "Eragon" and "Eld­est." These are the first two books in "The Inheritance Cy­cle," a four-book series.
Paolini, who lives in Mon­tana, was home-schooled by his parents and at an early age, be­gan putting his dreams on paper by writing short stories and poems. Paolini's love for the magic of stories resulted in the crafting of a novel that he would enjoy reading.
The project began as a hobby and a personal challenge, but he never intended it to be pub­lished. With the support of his parents, "Eragon" did get pub­lished and in December of 2006, the book was made into a major motion picture.


Pretty fun when a homeschooler does well.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children

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