Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nebraska court recognizes fathers are important in raising children

I found Glenn Sacks' post about An Important Win for Fathers, Children in Nebraska Supreme Court interesting on two points.

The first point was the acknowledgement that both parents are important in bringing up children. In the United States many judges seem to feel only a mother can really raise children, that fathers are mainly good for bringing home the bacon.

Glenn writes:

In the case, a mother abused her daughter and child protective services took the girl. There were no accusations of abuse against the father. Nevertheless, they deceived and manipulated the father into relinquishing custody of his daughter.
The girl was left fatherless -- can anyone guess what's going to happen to her?
Surprise, surprise -- without her father, the girl's life, in the words of the Nebraska Supreme Court, "spun out of control." She lived the life that so many fatherless girls live -- doing drugs, running away from home, getting pregnant at a young age, etc

I'm speechless that the social worker thought it was a good idea to get the father out of the child's life. I'm sure the father wasn't perfect, but there were no accusations of abuse. In today's age it seems like all a social work has to do is hear a neighbor or family member hint there is abuse and they land like a ton of bricks on the poor parent or parents.

"The high court upheld an award of $150,000 in damages and $64,697 in legal and other costs to Amanda."

The second area was I started wondering if this ruling would embolden the FLDS crowd. The courts have been ruling that the Texas CPS was wrong to yank over four hundred children from their parents. If the FLDS parents won a ruling like the one above Texas could be looking at paying out $200 million.

Technorati tags: Texas, Child, Protective, Services, abuse

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