Wednesday, April 16, 2008

One way for the government to save money

Lew Rockwell asks What If Public Schools Were Abolished? He reminds the reader that public schools are twice as expensive as private schools. He proposes getting rid of public schools and sending children to private schools.

Currently the United States spends over a half a trillion dollars a year providing education for K through 12. If we saved half of this, it adds up to real money. Lew acknowledges that it wouldn't be easy to get there. He proposes that a town some where in the US gives it a try and sees what happens.

I doubt that it will happen, at least any time soon, but it is interesting to think about what would happen if we got rid of public schools.

Just think how much money we'd save if everyone homeschooled!

Technorati tags: children, public school, public education, education


Marbel said...

Oh, I dream of the day that the public school system falls apart once and for all. Imagine really good teachers freed up from the bureaucracy and teacher's unions who could actually teach. Imagine people keeping all the tax money that goes to schools now - free to use it to educate their own children however they see fit. Families getting together to form coops and small, specialized private schools using those teachers newly unencumbered...

Not a perfect dream... and not in my lifetime... maybe my kids?

momwithbrownies said...

Some of the states where homeschooling is highly challenged and/or "watched" have something called Connections Academy. Those "highly watched" states will send books and laptop computers to parents so they can teach their children!

Now, I know that, "that" isn't "real" homeschooling, but what that says to me is...our government is "checking it out."
I do believe they see the writing on the wall and understand just how much money can be saved by having parents teach their own children. I doubt that PS will become extinct however, they may become less desirable as public education becomes involved in home schooling. Mainstreaming it...however it's done...will definitely save the states money.

Henry Cate said...

"Oh, I dream of the day that the public school system falls apart once and for all. Imagine really good teachers freed up from the bureaucracy and teacher's unions who could actually teach."

I wish I could figure out what is going to happen. People have been talking about the impending collapse of Social Security for years, but it keeps limping on.

I do think at some point public education will have to undergo a major change. I think the best option would be vouchers. But I'm afraid instead we'll some mess.

"I do believe they see the writing on the wall and understand just how much money can be saved by having parents teach their own children."

I think a few politicians see need for major changes, but most don't see any need to fundamentally change anything. Public schools have "worked" for decades, they'll just try to tweak it a bit.