Monday, March 10, 2008

We have started watching Babylon 5

As I started writing this post I was surprised to learn that it has been fifteen years since Babylon 5 premiered. This was an amazing series. J. Michael Straczynski did a fantastic job in creating a coherent universe with excitment and adventure.

If you have never seen the series the Wikipedia entry for Babylon 5 is very extensive.

I'm not sure why this series hasn't become as popular as Star Trek. It may be because Star Trek has been around for forty years. I also wonder that maybe part of the reason is because Babylon 5 is a little darker. The original Star Trek was very upbeat and positive.

I think in the first season I came across the Lurker's Guide. The Episode Guide filled in missing pieces. It is very, very extensive.

For a long time the DVDs of the first season were selling for $60 on Amazon. I like Babylon 5, but that was a bit steep for me. I noticed a month ago that the price had fallen to $40. I ordered it. My daughters and I have a new Saturday evening tradition of watching Babylon 5 together. My older two greatly enjoy the series. My seven-year-old daughter doesn't find it as interesting.

If you like Science Fiction, check out the Babylon 5 DVDs.

Technorati tags: Babylon 5


Anonymous said...

B5 was great! (Well, I didn't like much of the first or 5th seasons, but the third and fourth are simply phenomenal!)

I remember, back the day, watching an episode and then running up to the computer to check the lurker's guide. Oh my gosh. What memories!

Melanie said...

Did you know that you can watch most of them online?

DH and I always enjoyed B5. :-)

Henry Cate said...

Silvermine - yeah Babylon 5 was a great show. I enjoy being able to share great stories with my daughters.

Melanie - No, I hadn't known. Thank you, thank you.

Anonymous said...

It was one of the best shows ever...with some of the best monologues ever.

Londo's speech about wanting it all back the way it was (and his lament in the pilot about Centauri Prime being open 9-5 Earth time).

And Garibaldi's rant at G'Kar when he doesn't help Sheridan in his trial against the Shadows...

Henry Cate said...

Yes! There is a lot of great moments in B5, and I'll be sharing them with my daughters.