Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Results from our homeschooling polls

It has been fun playing with poll widgets. Some of the polls I've run generated surprising results.

For example the poll about how much homeschooling parents spend on academics found that about 60% of our readers who participated in the poll spend less than $100 a month per child. (This was from 94 votes.)

I was pleasantly surprised that 70% were not worried or only a little worried about the recent California court ruling. Click on "View results" to see the break down. (This was from 41 votes.)

We have a serious long term homeschoolers who read our blog. Over 40% have been homeschooling longer than five years. (This was from 38 votes.)

The question of do you plan to homeschool all the way through highschool had a resounding 76% YES! (This was with 41 votes.)

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education

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