Thursday, March 27, 2008

Good News Thursday: 27 March 08

Much of the news today is depressing. Newspaper headlines tell us about awful things happening in our neighborhood, at the national level, and around the world. Google News today reports that the fighting continues in Iraq and the conflict escalates in Tibet.

I am trying something different. I invite you to join with me in focusing on good news. This can be as local as the newspaper boy put the paper on your doorstep. It could as earth shattering as peace has broken out all across the world. It could be some new insight you had about a topic you are studying, or life.

If you would like to contribute, in the "Your name" field put the name of your blog, then in parenthesis include a short summary of the good news. For the "Your URL" field put the link to your post about the good news, use the perma link. Then mention Good News Thursday on your blog.

Technorati tags: Good News


Anonymous said...

What a good idea! Your note came just as I finished up my post, and it was a perfect fit :-). I hope you get lots of participation, as I could use some uplifting today.

Henry Cate said...

Thanks. I am glad you like the idea.

Mr. Linky is a cool widget and I struggled trying to find a fun way to use it.

I was reading the local paper and thought boy there sure is a lot of depressing news, and the light bulb went off!

Fatcat said...

I put some good news in my post today. :-)

Barbara Frank said...

What a great idea, Henry! My post is a few weeks old. It's about a man who realized his dream. Have a happy Thursday, everyone :)

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking the other day about how all this bad news just doesn't upset me all that much. I am so wired for optimism that I'm annoying, which I find funny. See- I'm hopeless.:D

And I know less about Mr. Linky than I do nuclear physics, so I hope I did it right!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this, Henry. You're right, we all need some good news.

Anonymous said...

I had a perfect post for this - a compilation of amazing baby stories. Some came from the news, one from a friend, and one was our own.
Thanks for the great idea!

Henry Cate said...

Thank you all for your contributions. Please come back each week.