Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fall sleep in class, then sue the teacher who wakes you up

Many in the United States are way too quick to sue. If they can just find some half way reasonable excuse they'll sue. It is like winning the lottery.

One of the latest examples comes from a high school in Danbury, CT. A boy falls asleep in a math class. The teacher hits her hand on his desk to wake him up. A lawyer for Vinicios Robacher claims Vinicios suffered pain and "very severe injuries to his left eardrum" when the teacher, Melissa Nadeau, woke him up.

The sad thing is the school will probably settle out of court and the Robacher family will get some money.

Based on the news article if I were the judge I'd toss it out and fine the lawyer for a frivolous case.

(Hat tip: Joanne Jacobs)

Technorati tags: public school, public education, education


Anonymous said...

For reasons to homeschool and not to homeschool you can also check out Homeschoolers may be interested in the Scandal Page, where some teachers are shown to be sexual predators, thiefs and drug users.

Henry Cate said...

Dale, thanks for the link. It is pretty scary.