Friday, February 01, 2008

David Kirkpatrick asks "Schooling's Status Quo: Could Individual Choice Possibly Be Worse?"

I enjoyed David Kirkpatrick's opening:

"It's been said there are three kinds of people in the world - those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who don't know anything is happening. To this might be added a fourth group - those who try to keep anything from happening."

A good observation.

In Schooling's Status Quo: Could Individual Choice Possibly Be Worse? he explores how bad the current status is for public school and then asks how could vouchers make public schools any worse.

I agree vouchers would be a good thing. It would give everyone, poor and rich, more options. Vouchers would prompt schools to improve. Unfortunately I still believe vouchers will not happen any time soon.

Technorati tags: education, , voucher

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