Tuesday, January 08, 2008

SWAT takes homeschooled boy from home

While looking through recent posts to Reddit I came across a news article - SWAT Goons Dispatched On Homeschoolers in Colorado.

In brief a 11-year-old boy got hurt. The father felt the boy was OK. A neighbor reported the incident. Paramedics came and thought the boy was OK but encouraged the father to take the boy to the hospital to make sure. The father had some medical training and didn't want to spend the money. The next evening a police SWAT team came and took the boy away.

From a WorldNetDaily article:

"The SWAT team then forcibly entered the home, punching a hole in the front door and pointing guns at family members, Tom Shiflett said. The boy's parents and siblings were thrown to the floor at gunpoint and the parents were handcuffed."

The article goes on to say that the Sheriff acknowledged that he would want to make the medical decisions for his own children, but "Shiflett was 'rude and confrontational' when the paramedics arrived and entered his home without his permission." I can't image why the father would be upset.

I wonder if there was any justification for the judge to order the removal of the 11-year-old boy? Maybe this is another judge who doesn't like homeschoolers. If the judge or a social worker was out of line, I hope they throw the book at him.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

It sounds more and more as IF it was completely unjustified. It was in my local paper today.


I blogged about it a few days ago and updated today with the link to the mainstream media.

Anonymous said...

This is another instance of our government assuming (taking away) our parental rights. Unfortunately our government is a direct reflection of our culture; let's pass our responsibilities to others. Great find and keep up the good work.