Monday, December 17, 2007

Things have been a little slow

We are in, what I like to call, an unschooling phase.

With illness, the holidays, adjusting to a toddler in the house again, relatives visiting from out of the country,we are not doing as much "school work" as we normally do.

Our children have learned a lot by caring for the little ones who have passed through our home and our other activities, but it is not the sort of thing you can quantify easily, like doing a math assignment or pages in a work book.

Long term, what we having been doing will be far more important than the things we have let drop for a while. However, I'm conventional enough to get nervous when not enough "workbook like" stuff gets completed.

Of course, the kids are always reading and we limit television and computer time, so I don't think their brains are wasting away.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education


Steve said...

You're doing a great job! I find that those times are actually helpful to our homeschooling because it breaks up the monotony and allows our children to explore things in depth on their own. My son was talking to me about Roman numerals yesterday and he surprised me in how much he had retained and how he implemented it. We were drilling and he didn't even consider it school. Yee-hah!

Janine Cate said...

>I find that those times are actually helpful to our homeschooling because it breaks up the monotony and allows our children to explore things in depth on their own.

Good point. It is just hard to break the chains of my own public school education. ; )

It has been a challenging day. Our little visitor has an ear infection. He woke up with a fever of 103 and diarrhea from the antibiotics the doctor prescribed for the ear infection. The poor little guy also has the cold that is going around our house. He coughs so hard he throws up.

Our kids spent the day with their uncle who is in town visiting and I spent the day with a fussy toddler.

I hope tomorrow is better, or at least not worse.