Monday, October 08, 2007

It's that time of year again

In California there a quite a few ways to legally homeschool. The simplest method is to file a California R4 Private School Affidavit. It is recommended that you file between October 1st to October 15th. It only takes a few minutes.

If this is your first time filing, here and here and here are instructions and samples. Some homeschooler choose to file a Statement In Lieu. I've never used that option so I'm not as familiar with the pros and cons of that method.

It took me only a few minutes to file the California R4 Private School Affidavit online. I printed a few copies for my records and it was done.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education


Barbara Frank said...

We just moved to Wisconsin, where you also have to submit a form every October. Made me realize how spoiled I got back in IL....20 years of homeschooling and not one form to fill out.

Janine Cate said...

Wow! That's great.

My sister-in-law homeschooled in New York. The state required an incredible amount of paperwork. In comparison, California seemed pretty good.