Tuesday, October 30, 2007

First Day of School - Part 2

Follow-up on First Day of School

When I picked up "Sally" I was able to talk with the teacher. I emphasized that the only thing predictable in foster care is how unpredictable it is. I told the teacher that Sally could be here only two weeks, but she could be here the whole year.

The kindergarten program looked nice. However, the teacher commented that they are one of the few kindergarten programs that has homework. Oh, joy. I was disappointed to see that she is using the "look-say" method to teach reading and not really teaching phonics.

"Sally" came home from school a bit grouchy. It took more effort from me to redirect misbehavior. And while the homework looks short, after a full school day, it is difficult to find time to do it.

When "Sally" got home, she ate a snack. We immediately left to go get a hair cut for everybody. Side note: I had to watch the hairdresser carefully. We only have permission to have "Sally's" bangs cut. I could get in trouble if the hairdresser took off too much.

After 5 haircuts (mine included), we drove home and dropped off my oldest daughter. I then took the rest of the girls to get pumpkins at a local grocery store. That in itself was an ordeal. It took them forever to decide. We also picked a few things at the store and then came home. As I was unloading the car, the little girl that my girls babysit was dropped off.

We all went in the house and I started dinner. At 6 pm, dinner was ready and my oldest daughter and I left for symphony practice as soon as Henry got home. Henry and the girls had dinner. A neighbor came over to copy a tape on our VCR. The mom of the little girl we babysit showed up to get her daughter. Then Henry and the girls went to the folk dancing class we've been attending with Henry's parents.

My oldest daughter and I got home at about 8:45 pm and Henry and the other girls arrive about ten minutes later. It was then the rush to bed for the kids.

So, there really wasn't a homework spot in all of that. Tomorrow won't be much better. "Sally" has a visit with her lawyer, we have the Halloween party at homeschool park day, and soccer practice. I'm glad I don't have to do the school thing more than a couple of weeks.

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Unknown said...

Hello Homeschoolers!
I am in a graduate school program and am conducting research on the extracurricular activities that school-aged boys participate in during the school year. The research will be used to improve activities offered to them (regardless of whether they are homeschooled or not), to get them to participate in wholesome activities that will benefit them for life.
If you have a database of email addresses of parents with school-aged sons, please send this survey to them. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes. Please know that the information collected will be used ONLY for the purpose of this study.
I appreciate your time. Feel free to send this survey to your friends, or if you have a blog and feel it is appropriate, please post it there as well.


Anonymous said...

It's amazing what happens in just one day.

Thanks for sharing this with the Carnival of Family Life- Bonfire edition

Anonymous said...

I'm late getting around to visit all of the Carnival participants. (Crazy week . . . only excuse!)

THANK YOU for being part of Colloquium's inaugural edition. I appreciate your support.

Don't forget that this week's Carnival will be hosted at All Rileyed Up. If you haven't submitted a post yet, you can do so until midnight (Pacific Time) tonight!