Unrelated to his other medical issues, his mother became concerned that he kept gagging and spitting up mucus. His mother pushed for days to have a scope done of his esophagus. Finally,

The baby is recovering and will be going home soon.
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My sixth son almost went to Lucile Packard for his liver transplant. He ended up going to UCSF instead. A few years later when he was at the hospital for further surgery, his younger brother who was about 16 months old at the time swallowed a penny! He eventually did pass it through his system. Your story brought back the memory : ). Glad the little one was OK.
Wow. A transplant is a big deal.
As a follow up, my friend told me that the doctors were quite amused to find it was a chess piece.
They made comments like, "Isn't he a little young to play chess?" and "We looked for the bishop and queen while we were there."
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