Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Barbara Frank explains Zero-tolerance

Barbara Frank comments on the recent incident in the news about a 13-year-old boy being suspended for hugging his girl friend. I like Barbara's definition of zero-tolerance:

"Zero-tolerance is loosely translated as 'we can't assess anything without having to form a committee, so we'll just say no to everything.'"

I had seen the headlines about the boy getting into trouble for putting his arm around a girl. I rolled my eyes and moved on to the next story. Barbara Frank pointed out that the boy was in trouble for a number of things. One of them was he got up for his assigned cafeteria table without permission. It seems pretty bizaire. I don't remember ever having an assigned table, ever!

Like Barbara Frank, we don't have assigned seats. We don't even have an assigned table. We have a fairly large kitchen table, and then a smaller play table for young children. Ever so often oud youngest daughter will use the small table, when friends show up.

Homeschooling means you never get in trouble for hugging your classmates.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children

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