Yesterday, I installed furniture straps on the tall bookcase in our kitchen as part of earthquake preparedness and for our foster care certification. I found many odds and ends behind the bookcases. This inspired me to sort the shelves all together.
I ended up taking everything off the shelves and emptying the drawers. The entire kitchen table and floor was covered with "stuff." Well, six hours later I finished in the kitchen. Sadly, I still have some odds and ends of homeschool "stuff" in the office and front room cabinets that I didn't touch.
Henry ended up directing the Saturday clean up without me. He also order pizza for lunch. I ate lunch standing up in the kitchen because there was no place to sit.
I threw out a bag of garbage, a bag to recycling and I have a bag of books to give away at homeschool park day. I still have "stuff" that we really don't use that I can't bring myself to part with yet. For example, I found that we have at least a half a dozen different kids of phonics flash cards which we never use. Now that I know I have so many varieties to choose from, maybe I will get them out once in a while.
Half way through the sorting, a neighbor came over and commented that if we installed tall cabinets where we currently have the bookcases, our kitchen would look like a kitchen again. Oh, well.
Technorati tags: house, cleaning
I only have my daughter to homeschool, so we don't have as much -- but I still took awhile and went through our homeschool cabinet and decluttered as well!
It does make a big difference when you are trying to find things! I found things I forgot I had as well.
Have a blessed week,
I think I need some sort of catalog system to keep track of everything.
I think they look great now. You are quite welcome to come over here and do mine now! I'd like my kitchen to look like a kitchen too. ;-)
Thanks for the offer, but we still have two more major areas to clean up. Our plans are to work through the study tomorrow, and then tackle the garage in a week or two.
In general most of the house is in pretty decent shape. The garage is sort of a dumping ground. We find that once we get an area cleaned up, the maintained isn't too bad. But once it slides, it becomes a big job to restore to order.
Isn't it amazing what we have hidden in our piles of homeschool stuff that we have collected! Sometimes I am amazed that the floor doesn't fall through with the weight of all the books and materials we have sitting on it!
Hey Janine and Henry, sorry I haven't been by in awhile. I got busy with other things, then ran into tons of technical difficulties with HSB new upgrades, so I have a new blog now. Come see me when you get a chance:)
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