My oldest daughter attended the algebra club I mentioned in my last post.
The tutor, who teaches at the local high school, was late. Some students in her last class took her car keys. She eventually found them hidden behind a bookcase in the classroom.
My friend is now in the process of filling out the paper work to remove one student from the classroom. She had already decided to have this student removed before the key incident. The other students involved will be moved to sit in opposite corners of the classroom, so at least they will be less likely to get into trouble together.
My daughter enjoyed the algebra club but found a few concepts she didn't understand. Saxon teaches concepts in a different way and order than the book the school uses. I've heard some acclaim and complaints about Saxon on this issue.
I'm kind of glad that she had to struggle a bit. She can be a bit complacent at times. Because she is the oldest child, she compares her workload and level of difficulty to her younger sisters. This group was made up of girls primarily a year older than her, so I'm glad she had a chance to look up for a change.
Related Tags: high school, homeschool, algebra, tutors, teachers, problem students
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