Monday, November 06, 2006

Is the election getting to you?

I've been involved in politics ever since I was a child. My father took me along when he was helping to support various causes and campaigns. As a teenager he paid me a penny a word to write our congressman and our senators. I could pick the topic and say pretty much what I wanted.

In my twenties I ran for a state representative office and lost in the primary by something like a hundred votes. Since then I've continued to be involved in politics by helping on various campaigns. Over the last week I handed out about two hundred flyers for a friend of ours who is running for a city council seat.

There are times before an election when I do start to get tired of all the noise and rhetoric. My wife and I have even gotten tired of TV ads for our candidates.

Given all this I greatly enjoyed today's A Word A Day thought:

"People never lie so much as before an election, during a war, or after a hunt."
-Otto von Bismarck, statesman (1815-1898)

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1 comment:

Nichole Ellis said...

Mercy! You are not kidding! And we are also getting telephone calls--from both parties!! I kid you not. One day last week we received 4 calls in one day. Even Sunday, a day of rest, we received two phone calls (prerecorded of course) from the same candidate and another one from him again today!

I understand elections this year are considered to be close, but I am so aggravated with the violation of my privacy that I cannot see straight. I never signed off on anything to receive phone calls and I hope something is done before the presidential election.