Saturday, November 25, 2006

Growing Without Schooling

The following was sent to the Stillwater Homeschool Alliance mailing list just over a month ago:


Growing Without Schooling is the work of John C. Holt and homeschooling's early pioneer families. It is now made available exclusively by Home Education Magazine at

Patrick Farenga President, Holt Associates Inc. writes:

"Posting issues of Growing Without Schooling magazine (GWS) online is exhilarating to me, and a bit sad. Exhilarating because I am excited that a new audience of children and adults will be able to read these issues almost exactly as they were published nearly thirty years ago. Sad because their posting achingly reminds me of the loss of my friend and mentor John Holt, and because they mark a fascinating period of my own life that is now considered "historic." Just writing that makes me feel old, if not historical.

At the time I didn’t think I was part of any historical record: I was just a young man gaining office and publishing experience, wielding an Exacto knife and rubber cement to get out the next publication John wanted to do. But after a year of working with John, I realized how important and unique GWS was and I "was hooked." Looking back, I also realize how lucky I was to work with Peggy Durkee, Donna Richoux, Tim Chapman, and all the volunteers who helped bring out the materials Holt produced then. With John, these diverse personalities produced one of the foundations of the homeschooling movement. John couldn’t have done it without their generous assistance."

Visit to read the rest of Mr. Farenga's message.

Once you are there, you will find more Growing Without Schooling issues have been added. Issues 14, 20, 24, 26, 28, 31, 49, 52, 53, 54, 68, 69, 70, 77 and 78 are now available with many more to come very soon. Recently, Home Education Magazine also added an index to the issues that can be accessed here:

For more information about unschooling or homeschooling vist the award winning Home Education Magazine here-


There is a ton of information. This is a great resource for both people new to homeschooling, and old timers.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education, , , , , ,

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