Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Carnival of Unschooling is looking for a new organizer

At the end of this month's Carnival of Unschooling, in the last paragraph, Andrea says: "we’re looking for someone to take over the Carnival of Unschooling - whether independant or merged with one they are already running." (The bold emphasis is mine.)

If you would like to run a carnival, consider checking with Andrea. We've found that hosting a carnival is a lot of work, but it is worth it. The Carnival of Unschooling has been on a monthly schedule so you have some time to think about it.

The classic post on blog carnivals is Be The Host With The Most, and one of the points made is that blog carnivals need an organizer who is in charge, and hosts, who take turns hosting an individual carnival. You don't have to do host the carnival each month. We've found that many bloggers are willing to help.

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