Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Some great resources on the Iditarod

My parents meet in Anchorage. My father was working with computers for the Bureau of Land Management. My mother was a high school teacher. We left Alaska when I was young and I haven't gotten back. I plan to go back some day.

I had a little exposure to dog sled racing. My father had two hobbies in Alaska. He played chess and raced dogs. He used to come home from work, put me in a dog sled and then take the dogs out for exercise. One day he put me in the dog sled and went into the house for something. The dogs got loose. My father came out to see the dogs and me heading done the trail. The trail ran parallel to the road for about a quarter of a mile. My parents hopped into the car and chased after the dogs. The dogs reached the turn in the trail before my parents. As the dogs raced around the corner the sled tipped a bit and I fell out. When my parents found me I was heading down the trail to get the dogs. My mother returned back home with me, and my father caught the dogs later tangled up in some brush.

So it was fun to find today a long list of resources on the Alaskan Iditarod at Heritage Homeschooling. This is a grueling 1,150 race started on March 4. If you are interested learning more about the Iditarod, go check out the list of resources.

Update I - 8 Mar 2006

I checked with my parents and cleared up a few details on the incident:

One day my Dad put me in a dog sled hooked to the small 5 dog team he used when taking me for a run. While he was untying the rope that held team, the dogs lunged with excitement and yanked the sled from my Dad's hands. My father ran after the dogs and me. After the trail crossed the frozen lake, there was a sharp right turn into the woods. Without my Dad to balance and control the sled, the sled tipped over and I fell out. When my Dad reached me I was following the dog team down the trail. After returning me to my Mom, my Dad found his team all tangled up a couple of miles down the trail.

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