Thursday, November 10, 2005

Education related columns on

There are a number of columns on today dealing with education:

Marvin Olasky has a column with recommendations for United States history books. He mentions David McCullough's "1776" which is on my stack to read. I did read David McCullough's "John Adams" which I greatly enjoyed.

George Will looks at how Utah is rebelling against the "No Child Left Behind" law.

Larry Elder's column is about how the Los Angeles Unified School District used school buses to take 800 children from ten high schools to an anti-war, anti-Bush rally. He wonders if the school district would ever also use funds to bus students to a pro-war, pro-Bush rally.

Emmett Tyrrell revisits vouchers. In principle vouchers seem like a good idea. The problem I have with vouchers is there is still great government involvement, and everywhere they have been tried they seem to get watered down. The movement has been going on for thirty years and hasn't gotten very far. Homeschooling has done much better. is a fairly conservative group. Are there equivalent liberal columnists who sometimes talk about education?

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