Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Linda Dobson's going to be on the radio and wants your help

Helen Hegener writes in Linda Dobson’s Seeking Input:

Linda Dobson, HEM’s long-running columnist for “The Road Less Travelled” and the administator of Parent at the Helm (PATH), writes: “I’ve been invited to do an hour radio call-in talk show next month. I don’t know anything about it except that it’s well-syndicated and, well, they asked me to talk about homeschooling. I never have to be asked twice to talk about homeschooling, in the hope that reaching just one more parent will make life and learning richer and more meaningful for yet another child (who will soon be yet another adult in our society).

“I write to ask for your input and ideas as to what you believe are the most important aspects of homeschooling today that should be shared with listeners.

“If you were to tell people just one thing you think is most important about homeschooling, what would that be?”

Linda has a list of other questions she’d love to see your answers to in preparing for her radio show. Click over to her PATH site and share your insights and experiences!

If you have some ideas, go share them with Linda.

Technorati tags: homeschooling, homeschool, home school, home education, parenting, children, education

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